Well it's ok to use it for a personnal or a commercial project until you've bought it. But if you do open source, does that mean people will be able to get the assets for free? I would prefer to avoid that :<
man i would love to have a death animation i managed to make a simple hurt by making the sprite go white but a simple death animation will help me alot
Hey! Yeah that's something I want to do by doing a 'extra animation' pack with all the animations people ask me a lot (climbing ladder, death, hit, etc) but for now I'm not available at all to work on that (for now I'm working on the development of a game by myself so free time is quite rare). You can follow me on Twitter if you want to keep updated!
omg I just realized my message is still here but I totally forget to post it. I'm sorry ahah. Here it is: Hey! Thanks a lot for sharing, I just played both games, that's very well integrated, congrats! :)
Seeing both endings, I guess you'll add some bossfights ?
It is ye :) At the time I asked people to tell me first if they wanted to do a commercial project to have some datas on my side, but now I don't care. So until you've bought do, you can do what you want with it :D
Excellent work! I was also one of those who really wanted a hit animation. I found out that "roll9.png" to "roll15.png" really give a vibe of getting hit. Cheers!
I'm in love with these animations! I've been looking around for a while and this has completely inspired me for a new game.
Also, just curious, do you happen to do custom animations or is that too much work? Either way, I will probably be buying this set if nothing else than to support an amazing artist!
Unfortunatly, I'm totally unvailable for now to do commissions. A lot of people ask me for extra-content and that's not possible for me right now.
Still, I'm of course totally ok to let other artists work on extra-content, so if you want to commissions other pixel artists, that's of course ok for me!
Not being able to do commissions is totally understandable, good luck on whatever it is you are working on! Also thanks for taking the time to link to those resources, I will totally check them out! Thanks :)
I bought this yesterday and love it. Incredibly fluid and communicative. I was going to ask for a "death" anim but I read below that you prefer people use an effect for that. Would you mind sharing the frame rate you recommend these animations play at?
Thanks for the purchase! For the framerate there is no "recommanded" one, since it depends of the gamefeel that you want in your game :)
For example for a fightgame, I'll focus on a very fast framerate but I'll make the keypose freeze (to add more contrast into the animations and make it more dynamic). At the opposite if it's a "chill" game, I'll try to have a quite low framerate and have a unique framerate to keep it chill.
So in the end, it depends of your game and the gamefeel you want :) The best way to know is to test and also check examples of games that you like and see what was their way to play with framerate :)
Hey! Ye it depends a lot of your process. I'm also a developper so I know some devs prefers to work with a unique resolution for a whole animation set. On my side I prefer to have each animation cropped separatly, so it avoids giant frames with a lot of empty spaces :)
Hey, great asset! Maybe you could add melee up/down slash animations I would buy this asap if you won't I will most likely also buy it tho :P plus a simple death animation would be much appreciated.
Sure for extra-animations! I'm planning to make a bonus animations pack for people who want more :) Also about death, most of the "modern" game like Celeste don't use any death animation at all and work with FXs and tech art in general (they make a blinking single frame, add some particles, etc etc). Plus it can be super specific in function of the game, so I've decided to keep the pack without it, to avoid people using it wrong :)
The animation when the character jumps into the air and comes back down to change. You could used the first few frames and/or the last few frames of that jump as a death animation when the character is squatting down.
GREAT animation pack. Using them in a game project at the moment and they just look amazing. Just a small feedback: The PNGs of the dark version, are not centered sometimes, so if you flip them horizontally the character shifts a few pixel. The light version does not have this issue. It is easy to fix but to give some feedback: fixing this would save some time :).
hey! Thanks for the feedback and yeah, I know about that, it's because of the glow which is directly integrated in the sprite. I could have export it separatly but in function of the devs, I know it's a debate. So I'd prefered to keep it like that, as you've said it's easy to fix in an engine! Thanks again!
This animation pack is exactly what I was looking for! I look forward to seeing any and all updates added to this pack down the road! Currently my only suggestion for an added animation would be a "climb-up" animation to transition from hanging on a ledge to standing atop that ledge.
Yeah! Some people already proposed me that and a lot of other "detail" animation like swimming, other attacks, etc. So when I have time, I'm thinking about making an "extra-animations" pack with all the asked ones :)
Yeah you can use it for commercial use, no extra-fees! But if possible I would like to be updated so I can know how people use my asset packs :) just being curious!
I've been shopping for assets for awhile now and these are the most impressive I've seen so far! I'm already working on a game and you made me want to make a whole different game just with this alone LOL!
Jaw-droppingly good. :) Definitely will be purchasing this soon.
In most sidescroll game, main character only flash or "explode" (with an FX) when it takes damage or die, so I consider it was not a "must-have" one, seeing how rare these kind of animations are in nowadays game :)
But I'm still thinking about making an extra animations pack with all the animations people have asked me! So feel free to tell if you have more ideas!
I double this list. I reckon it'd be swell to make a game like Celeste using this asset pack - but I think without a few more things its hard to make a complete game.
I would add a few more NPC character / baddies. A bat? Or a hound? more things to hurt you.
Hey i love this pack so far, i bought it, i like the concept of grabing a wall, but it seems pointless since she doesn't have any ' get up from ledge' animation... is there a way you could do that ?
At first, I was worried about the transform animation. I wanted to use it, but keep the characters separate. The files included are separated by frame and not sprite sheets. The special effects on the transform animation are also separate from the sprite.
Great set! would you be able able to make a death animation for the character? I'd definitely be willing to throw a few more dollars you way for it. Thanks!
Hey Thomas! I love this sprite, I wanted to use it, but with some other animations added, such as her drawing a bow and dying, I've seen you're no longer available for comissions, if you're OK with this, could you indicate another pixel artist for this? Thank you!
Hey there Thomas, I adore this animation and sent you an email about a potential commission for some others in the same style, hope to hear from you soon, great work.
Hey! Yeah you can contact me if you need extra assets, I'm available as a freelancer and I also teach pixel art to some students, so I know that some of them would have been interested by commissions!
Also the size is not a precise one (8x8, 16x16, etc), I know the character is around 20 pixel height but nothing more specific!
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Hey Thomas! Im a web3 developer interested to work with you together to get a P2E blockchain based project going with an own token.
Lmk how I can reach out to you. :) Happy to chat with you
stop posting everywhere like that it's annoying bro
What's the License for this? Is it alright to use this in an open source project?
Well it's ok to use it for a personnal or a commercial project until you've bought it. But if you do open source, does that mean people will be able to get the assets for free? I would prefer to avoid that :<
man i would love to have a death animation i managed to make a simple hurt by making the sprite go white but a simple death animation will help me alot
Hey! Yeah that's something I want to do by doing a 'extra animation' pack with all the animations people ask me a lot (climbing ladder, death, hit, etc) but for now I'm not available at all to work on that (for now I'm working on the development of a game by myself so free time is quite rare). You can follow me on Twitter if you want to keep updated!
If you could add hurt/die/climb, then I would gladly buy it even as separate extension.
Hi Thomas! I'm developing a game using your sprites. Here is a prototype: https://anemelman.itch.io/alternative-fantasy
omg I just realized my message is still here but I totally forget to post it. I'm sorry ahah. Here it is:
Hey! Thanks a lot for sharing, I just played both games, that's very well integrated, congrats! :)
Seeing both endings, I guess you'll add some bossfights ?
Yes I will! I just have to finish another game I'm developing.
Your characters are amazing and your work is fantastic!
I'm so glad you played my game :)
Heyy man thanks for this amazing character i just brought it and i will make sure to credit you once i finish the game :D
Thanks a lot! Good luck for your project!!!
This is still, an amazing asset used this in 3 projects so far didn't release and of them... 5000stars
no u 5000 stars
Hey, i was wondering if there is ok lunching a game using this asset. I mean if it's ok to use this asset on a comercial or free project.
It is ye :) At the time I asked people to tell me first if they wanted to do a commercial project to have some datas on my side, but now I don't care. So until you've bought do, you can do what you want with it :D
Wow.... really....reeeaally insane, 10/10
Excellent work! I was also one of those who really wanted a hit animation. I found out that "roll9.png" to "roll15.png" really give a vibe of getting hit.
Ooooh that's a smart move! I love that way of exploiting frames from other animations to do extra animations :)
Can you add hit and death animations?
It's planned but when I'll have time to work on that ye!
i wish i had the money to buy this asset T_T
me too:(
u guys gimme a way to dm you
invit sent :)
thank you so much you are very kind person :>
I'm in love with these animations! I've been looking around for a while and this has completely inspired me for a new game.
Also, just curious, do you happen to do custom animations or is that too much work? Either way, I will probably be buying this set if nothing else than to support an amazing artist!
Hey! Thanks a lot :)
Unfortunatly, I'm totally unvailable for now to do commissions. A lot of people ask me for extra-content and that's not possible for me right now.
Still, I'm of course totally ok to let other artists work on extra-content, so if you want to commissions other pixel artists, that's of course ok for me!
I've even made a list of pixel artists I recommand (since I personnaly know them and have already worked with them) : https://twitter.com/i/lists/1348921662146830339/members
Also here is a website very useful to find pixel artists:
Hope it'll help you :D Good luck for your project!
Not being able to do commissions is totally understandable, good luck on whatever it is you are working on! Also thanks for taking the time to link to those resources, I will totally check them out! Thanks :)
This is one of the most impressive pieces of work I have ever seen! Had to buy this for my game!
esta caro pero lo vale
I bought this yesterday and love it. Incredibly fluid and communicative. I was going to ask for a "death" anim but I read below that you prefer people use an effect for that. Would you mind sharing the frame rate you recommend these animations play at?
Thanks for the purchase! For the framerate there is no "recommanded" one, since it depends of the gamefeel that you want in your game :)
For example for a fightgame, I'll focus on a very fast framerate but I'll make the keypose freeze (to add more contrast into the animations and make it more dynamic). At the opposite if it's a "chill" game, I'll try to have a quite low framerate and have a unique framerate to keep it chill.
So in the end, it depends of your game and the gamefeel you want :) The best way to know is to test and also check examples of games that you like and see what was their way to play with framerate :)
thank you for the reply and tips! I did not think about keypose freezing. I will test that out.
Hey! Ye it depends a lot of your process. I'm also a developper so I know some devs prefers to work with a unique resolution for a whole animation set. On my side I prefer to have each animation cropped separatly, so it avoids giant frames with a lot of empty spaces :)
Wow, nice sprites but the 360 turn thing is cool and I like the transformation thing. I hope to see more work as good as this!
Hey, great asset! Maybe you could add melee up/down slash animations I would buy this asap if you won't I will most likely also buy it tho :P plus a simple death animation would be much appreciated.
Sure for extra-animations! I'm planning to make a bonus animations pack for people who want more :) Also about death, most of the "modern" game like Celeste don't use any death animation at all and work with FXs and tech art in general (they make a blinking single frame, add some particles, etc etc). Plus it can be super specific in function of the game, so I've decided to keep the pack without it, to avoid people using it wrong :)
The animation when the character jumps into the air and comes back down to change. You could used the first few frames and/or the last few frames of that jump as a death animation when the character is squatting down.
GREAT animation pack. Using them in a game project at the moment and they just look amazing. Just a small feedback: The PNGs of the dark version, are not centered sometimes, so if you flip them horizontally the character shifts a few pixel. The light version does not have this issue. It is easy to fix but to give some feedback: fixing this would save some time :).
Apart from that: great pack and animations!
hey! Thanks for the feedback and yeah, I know about that, it's because of the glow which is directly integrated in the sprite. I could have export it separatly but in function of the devs, I know it's a debate. So I'd prefered to keep it like that, as you've said it's easy to fix in an engine! Thanks again!
This animation pack is exactly what I was looking for! I look forward to seeing any and all updates added to this pack down the road! Currently my only suggestion for an added animation would be a "climb-up" animation to transition from hanging on a ledge to standing atop that ledge.
Yeah! Some people already proposed me that and a lot of other "detail" animation like swimming, other attacks, etc.
So when I have time, I'm thinking about making an "extra-animations" pack with all the asked ones :)
Hi! I'm in love with these sprites.
Can they be used in paid games? I can't find the License for these assets.
Yeah you can use it for commercial use, no extra-fees! But if possible I would like to be updated so I can know how people use my asset packs :) just being curious!
I've been shopping for assets for awhile now and these are the most impressive I've seen so far! I'm already working on a game and you made me want to make a whole different game just with this alone LOL!
Jaw-droppingly good. :) Definitely will be purchasing this soon.
omg thank you <3 I'm super happy to read that ahah!
Why no death / hurt animation? That seems pretty critical.
In most sidescroll game, main character only flash or "explode" (with an FX) when it takes damage or die, so I consider it was not a "must-have" one, seeing how rare these kind of animations are in nowadays game :)
But I'm still thinking about making an extra animations pack with all the animations people have asked me! So feel free to tell if you have more ideas!
I double this list. I reckon it'd be swell to make a game like Celeste using this asset pack - but I think without a few more things its hard to make a complete game.
I would add a few more NPC character / baddies. A bat? Or a hound? more things to hurt you.
I'd be happy to chip in something $$$ as well.
I agree with Starving, particularly on some kind of projectile anim. I'd pay extra for any of these. Your work is such high quality.
Can you make die/hurt animations pretty please?
The dynamic sprite animation is really really amazing.
The dark hero with two color themes? omg.. It's really cool :D !
It's great. I'd love to use it in my games!
Any chance of getting a ladder climbing animation? :)
Hey i love this pack so far, i bought it, i like the concept of grabing a wall, but it seems pointless since she doesn't have any ' get up from ledge' animation... is there a way you could do that ?
At first, I was worried about the transform animation. I wanted to use it, but keep the characters separate. The files included are separated by frame and not sprite sheets. The special effects on the transform animation are also separate from the sprite.
Animation suggestions:
Would gladly pay 20$ if hit/death animation was added, then I probably wouldn't mind paying extra 5-10$ for each of the suggested animations.
Great set! would you be able able to make a death animation for the character? I'd definitely be willing to throw a few more dollars you way for it. Thanks!
Hey Thomas! I love this sprite, I wanted to use it, but with some other animations added, such as her drawing a bow and dying, I've seen you're no longer available for comissions, if you're OK with this, could you indicate another pixel artist for this? Thank you!
Yo :)
Tu peux me contacter sur Twitter ou par mail si tu veux ! Je suis en vacances là mais je te répondrai au plus vite ! Merci pour ton commentaire !
Any tips on using the transformation animation with Unity, the sprite moves from origin point .
lol just change the pivot point
Hi Thomas, I am developing a game using your sprites. Here is beta demo: https://tianhao-wang.itch.io/become-witch-the-story-of-lunaria
Hey! I'm super glad to see that you've already that much! It's looking super well already <3
Hi Thomas, I sent you an email about potential commission for more animations a few weeks ago. Did you saw the email?
Hey there Thomas, I adore this animation and sent you an email about a potential commission for some others in the same style, hope to hear from you soon, great work.
Thanks! I just saw your mail :)
Awesome =] I look forward to your reply then!
Hi what pixel size is this?, I read we can contact you in regards to more work if needed so thats a bonus :)
Hey! Yeah you can contact me if you need extra assets, I'm available as a freelancer and I also teach pixel art to some students, so I know that some of them would have been interested by commissions!
Also the size is not a precise one (8x8, 16x16, etc), I know the character is around 20 pixel height but nothing more specific!
How about releasing the enviroment used? :D
It's in the pack already but this is a very rich environment, only a few assets here :)